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Are you Ready to recycle Concrete with Ducon Green?

Recycling concrete is a great way to reduce waste and help the environment. This is an essential practice for promoting sustainable construction and minimizing the environmental impact of the construction industry. Take a journey through the remarkable experience and impactful discussions that shape the landscape sustainability in UAE.




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    concrete recycling

    Uses of Recycled Aggregates

    Basically there are many uses of recycled aggregates, such as

    • Road base
    • Landscaping
    • Can be mixed with fresh aggregates to lower the cost of concrete and asphalt products


    • Environmental Conservation: Concrete recycling helps reduce the need for extracting and processing natural resources, such as gravel and sand, which are typically used as aggregates in concrete production. However this conserves natural ecosystems and reduces energy consumption.
    • Waste Reduction: By diverting concrete waste from landfills, concrete recycling reduces the strain on landfill space and minimizes the environmental impact associated with waste disposal.
    • Energy Savings: Moreover the process of recycling concrete typically requires less energy compared to producing new concrete from raw materials, which involves mining, transportation, and manufacturing processes.

    Concrete recycling is a process in which old or discarded concrete is collected, processed, and reused in new construction projects. Because this practice helps to reduce the environmental impact of concrete production, conserves natural resources, and minimizes waste disposal.


    Forever millions of waste concrete is generated every year around the world due to following reasons: Surprisingly using recycled material as gravel reduces the need for gravel mining. There are also economic benefits. Recycled concrete is a construction material that the community does not need to pay for; those who generated the concrete waste pay a fee to have it recycled.

    1. Demolition of old structure
    2. Destruction of buildings and structures during earthquakes and wars,
    3. Removal of useless concrete from structures, buildings, road pavements etc.
    4. Waste concrete generated due to concrete cube and cylinder testing, destructive methods of testing of existing structures etc.

    Advantages of Concrete Recycling:

    Usually demolished concrete were shipped to landfills for disposal, but due to greater environmental awareness, the concrete is being recycled for reuse in concrete works. There are a variety of benefits in recycling concrete rather than dumping it or burying it in a landfill. At this point keeping concrete debris out of landfills saves space there. 

    concrete recycling